An Ancient Evil Returns
ContentsThe Prince
A versatile and well-loved leader.
- The Prince [5]
- Empathy (Sensitive) [5]
- or
- Social Chamleon [5]
The Crone
A blind goddess of thievery and prophecy.
- The Crone [5]
- Detect (Gold) [5] (B48)
- or
- Destiny (Minor Advantage) [5] (B48)
The Smith
A burly god of strength and creation.
- The Smith [5]
- Metabolism Control [5] (B68)
- or
- Versatile [5] (B96)
The Dragon
A three-headed black dragon god of victory and resistance.
- The Dragon [5]
- Fit [5] (B55)
- or
- Rapid Healing [5] (B79)
The Traveller
A slight of build god of travel and luck.
- The Traveller [5]
- Absolute Direction [5] (B34)
- or
- Eidetic Memory [5] (B51)