An Ancient Evil Returns
ContentsBasic Kit - 27 points
Advantages | Combat Reflexes (15, B43) |
Skills | {Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Knife, Shortsword, or Staff}, {Bow or Crossbow}, {Boxing, Brawling, or Karate}, {Judo or Wrestling}, Climbing, First Aid, Forced Entry, Gesture, Hiking, Riding (Horse/Pony), Stealth, Throwing |
Optional | Signature Gear (variable, B85) |
Acolyte - 41 points
Advantages | Blessed [Blessed and Heroic Feats] (20, B40), Clerical Investment (5, B43), Will +2 (10, B16) |
Skills | {Diplomacy or Interrogation}, Meditation, Religious Ritual, Savoir-Faire (Religious), Search, Theology |
Alchemist - 44 points
Advantages | Contact Group [Sunglass Alchemist’s Guild, Effective Skill 18, 9 or less, Completely Reliable] (9, B44), Gizmos 2 [Alchemy Only -50%] (5, B57), Quick Gadgeteer [Alchemy Only -50%] (25, B57; M210) |
Skills | {Acting or Diplomacy}, Alchemy, Merchant, Observation, {Savoir-Faire (Alchemists’ Guild) or Streetwise} |
Assassin - 48 points
Advantages | Danger Sense (15, B47), Perception +1 (5, B16), Weapon Master [any level] (20-45, B99) |
Skills | {Acting or Fast-Talk}, Disguise, {Observation or Search}, Poisons, Shadowing, Smuggling, Streetwise, Traps |
Optional | Alternate Identity [Illegal] (15, B39) |
Duelist - 54 points
Advantages | Ambidexterity (5, B39), Basic Speed +0.5 (10, B17), Daredevil (15, B47), Weapon Master [any level] (20-45, B99) |
Skills | Acrobatics, {Carousing or Fast-Talk}, {Observation or Search}, Streetwise |
Knight - 47 points
Advantages | ST +1 (10), Status 1 (5, B28), Weapon Master [any level] (20-45, B99) |
Special Advantages | Knights must take either Military Rank [Courtesy Rank 3] (3, B29) or Reputation [+2, everyone except the military, sometimes recognized; -2, the military, sometimes recognized] (1, B27). |
Skills | {Carousing, Diplomacy, or Interrogation}, Intimidation, Leadership, Observation, Savoir-Faire (Military), Savoir-Faire (Nobility), Tactics |
Performer - 46 points
Advantages | Charisma +1 (5, B41), Contact [Effective Skill 15, 12 or less, Usually Reliable] (B44), Voice (10, B97) |
Skills | {At least two of: Acting, Carousing, Diplomacy, or Fast-Talk}, Connoisseur, Detect Lies, Enthrallment (Persuade), Filch, Forgery, Lockpicking, Musical Instrument, Panhandling, Pickpocket, Public Speaking (at 12+), {Savoir-Faire (at least one specialty) and Streetwise}, {Scrounging or Search}, Sleight of Hand, Urban Survival |
Survivalist - 44 points
Advantages | Absolute Direction (5, B34), Animal Empathy (5, B40), Weapon Master [any level] (20-45, B99) |
Skills | Animal Handling (must specialize), Camouflage, {Carousing or Fast-Talk}, Carpentry, Cartography, Fishing, Gardening, Mimicry (Animal and/or Bird Calls), Naturalist, {Observation or Scrounging}, Streetwise, Survival (must specialize, must choose two), Tracking |