Powers - Archivist

Through years of hard training, the Archivist has become a beacon of knowledge in all subject matters, unlocking many secrets along the way. The Archivist also boasts a wide working knowledge of medicine, herbalism, history, nobility, agriculture, and many more skills. This is the only power that can use magic spells.
Source | Magic |
Focus | Mana |
Talent | Magery Talent, 5/level |
Modifier |
boo ya mother fucker! It's FUCKING MAGIC!!! |
Magery 1
back to topCompartmentalized Mind [50]
back to topModular Abilities
back to top- Slot 1Mental Only (4) [17]
- Slot 2Mental Only (7) [26]
- Slot 3Mental (Spells Only) (8) [29]
Threshold Magic
back to top- Threshold30 mana
- Regeneration Rate8 mana per day
Calamity Table
back to top
This is why we can't have nice things...
As with other magical disaster tables, anyone trying to trigger a calamity in the hopes of seeing a specific result should find that this doesn’t work. Magic can seem willful and perverse – and its disasters doubly so! Suicide cults attempting to bring down global curses through wild magic will instead find their magical abilities destroyed and their dark gods no longer hearing their prayers. Provoking enemies into overreaching themselves, on the other hand, can be an effective if dangerous trick! (Thaumatology 77)
Note that Luck-related advantages cannot modify Calamity Checks. See Critical Magical Failures and Luck (B30).
3-10 |
Nothing happens – this time. |
11-12 |
Wizard suffers from the Nightmares disadvantage (B144), with a self-control number of 9, for 4d days. |
13 |
Wizard’s grasp of his own magic weakens. Reduce his threshold by 2d+5 for the next 1d weeks. The wizard is aware that his threshold has fallen, but not by how much. |
14 |
As 13, but threshold reduction is 4d+10 and the effect lasts 1d months. In addition, all of the wizard’s spells are at -3 to skill for 2d weeks. |
15 |
Wizard’s Magery gains the Radically Unstable Magery limitation (p. 26) at the -30% level. If he already has this, then it becomes the -50% version. If he already has that – or if he lacks Magery – then any attempt to cast a spell results in an automatic critical failure. In all cases, the problem lasts for 1d+1 weeks. |
16 |
Caster gains a -5-point disadvantage of the GM’s choice. After 3d days, he has the option of buying it off for 2 bonus character points (it simply fades away). If he lacks the points, or doesn’t want to spend them, then the disadvantage becomes permanent. Any disadvantage is possible – the wizard can become ugly, marginally insane, etc., at the GM’s whim. |
17 |
As 16, but the disadvantage is worth -10 points, and costs 5 points to buy off. |
18 |
As 16, but the disadvantage is worth -15 points, and costs 7 points to buy off. |
19 |
Wizard loses the ability to cast a single spell, chosen at random from his spell list, permanently. He still knows the spell, and it can still count as a prerequisite, but he can never cast it. |
20 |
As 16, but there are multiple disadvantages worth -30 points in total, and costing 15 points to buy off. |
21 |
As 15, but the problem lasts for 1d+1 months. At the end of that period, the wizard must roll against Will + Threshold Magery. Failure means that the condition becomes permanent. In extreme cases, this can cause the permanent loss of useful spellcasting ability. |
22 |
Roll again with the same modifier. The result affects a randomly chosen companion of the wizard! If it’s one that affects spellcasting and the wizard has no casters among his companions, or if the wizard is operating completely alone, then roll twice (with the same modifier) and apply both results to the wizard himself. |
23 |
Wizard permanently loses 1dx5 points of advantages, attributes, and/or secondary characteristics. Determine what’s lost randomly. |
24 |
Caster becomes a living “mana-scar”! Within a 3d-mile radius of the wizard, casting and maintenance costs double (in terms of tally additions and, if regular spellcasting is possible in the setting, energy cost), and tally recovery halts. This effect lasts for 3d weeks. It also ends in the event of the wizard’s death. Enemies or impatient allies may decide on a quick solution... |
25 |
Wizard’s skill with all spells is reduced by 3d+5. This penalty “heals” at a rate of -1 per day. |
26 |
As 25, but “healing rate” is only -1 per week. |
27 |
Wizard ages 2d+13 years. |
28 |
A plague or a curse (locusts, storms, etc.) descends on the region, lasting for 3d weeks. No one will be able to trace this to the wizard, but he’ll be aware that it’s his fault. This can drive a benevolent wizard mad as he witnesses the suffering and destruction. Even vicious wizards may be inconvenienced – and worry that they’ll somehow be blamed. The GM should be grotesque and cruel. |
29 |
Wizard permanently loses the ability to cast spells (but not the knowledge – small comfort). The generous GM can treat this as a Divine Curse disadvantage (p. B132); the wizard might have a chance of eliminating the problem, given heroic effort or perhaps impressive and profound thaumatological research. Remember: at this level or higher, the spell may fail. |
30-39 |
As 29, plus something permanent happens to the state of magic in a large region around the place where the casting went wrong. Perhaps all spells are cast at -2 in that kingdom from then on, or a certain class of spells functions erratically. The GM should be creative! If the wizard is found to be the culprit (and every concerned and able group will have a diviner on the job), then he could be a hunted man. Others may assume that killing him will remove the curse; they might be right. The wizard cannot get rid of the personal effect (if at all) without removing the problem from the region, and vice-versa. |
40+ |
40+ – As 30-39, but the change is global. In addition, the wizard must make a HT-6 roll. Failure means he’s consumed in a backlash of magical energy and explodes: he dies automatically (reduced to -10xHP) and the explosion does (Will + Threshold Magery) dice of crushing explosive damage! Success on the HT-6 roll means a less dramatic backlash: the wizard takes 2d dice of damage and doesn’t explode. If this kills him, then the global change may fade over a period of weeks or years – or it may stand as a memorial to his folly. |
Cumulative Effects
back to topIf the wizard rolls a temporary effect from which he’s already suffering, then both any quantitative penalties suffered and the duration of the effect are cumulative. If the wizard rolls an effect (temporary or permanent) that’s a version of a problem he already has, then increase the problem’s level or intensity; reduce a relevant self-control number by one step, where appropriate; or reroll, if neither is possible.
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