Powers - Shadow

Known for walking unseen and striking with deadly precision, The Shadow is often called upon to find information, and kill quietly. With a large array of quiet and lethal powers, the Shadow specializes in getting in and out quickly and undetected. In a pinch, the Shadow also has an array of trap-like powers, in which her shadows come to her aid with terrifying force.
Source | Spirit (Shadow) |
Focus | Darkness |
Talent | Shadow Talent, 5/level |
Modifier |
Spirit [-5%] Trademark (Black Marble) [-5%] Lose powers if no trademark [-5%] Minor sacrifice to gain back powers (30 minute ritual of blood droplets into your own shadow at sunrise/sunset) [+5%] |
Dagger Strike
Summoning a shadow as sharp as any mortal blade, you fling it at your foe with unsurpassed speed, impaling them with the darkness.
Summoning a shadow as sharp as any mortal blade, you fling it at your foe with unsurpassed speed, impaling them with the darkness.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast.
- 1st level1d imp [7]
- 2nd level1d+1, ROF 2 [7]
- 3rd level2d imp [6]
- 4th levelIgnores cover unless protected from overhead attacks [4]
1 |
IA 1d imp [8] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
IA 1d+1 imp [11] RoF 2 [+40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 14 |
3 |
IA 2d imp [16] RoF 2 [+40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 20 |
4 |
IA 2d imp [16] RoF 2 [+40%], Overhead [+30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 24 |
Hindering Shadows
Tendrils of shadow form out of thin air and strike down a foe within range.
When hit, the target takes cutting damage, and must roll vs HT (roll at +1 per DR on the targeted area) or lose Basic Move for a number of minutes equal to the margin of failure. This loss of movement is not cumulative.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP to cast.
- 1st level1d cut; failed HT roll causes -1 Basic Move; range C [12]
- 2nd level1d+1 cut; failed HT roll causes -2 Basic Move; range C, 1 [3]
- 3rd level2d cut; failed HT roll causes -3 Basic Move [4]
- 4th levelFailed HT roll causes -4 Basic Move; range 1-4 [3]
1 |
IA 1d cut [7], Affliction 1 (Disad BM -1 [+5%]) [11] Link [+10%], Melee Attack Close (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (WL/H) [-5%] = 12 |
2 |
IA 1d+1 cut [10], Affliction 1 (Disad BM -2 [+10%]) [11] Link [+10%], Melee Attack C, 1 (Cannot Parry) [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (WL/H) [-5%] = 15 |
3 |
IA 2d cut [14], Affliction 1 (Disad BM -3 [+15%]) [12] Link [+10%], Melee Attack C, 1(Cannot Parry) [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (WL/H) [-5%] = 19 |
4 |
IA 2d cut [14], Affliction 1 (Disad BM -4 [+20%]) [12] Link [+10%], Melee Attack 1-4 (Cannot Parry) [-15%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (WL/H) [-5%] = 21 |
Poison Barb
A shadow barb strikes out for 1 FP. Use innate attack to hit. Because this attack is a Blood Agent, it must hit a mucous membrane (nose, eyes, open mouth, or wound) to succeed. If you target one of those areas, hit, and the target fails to defend, then they get to roll vs HT (HT-1 at level 3 or above). On a failure, they gain an affliction (outlined per level below) for a number of minutes equal to the margin of failure.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Must hit a mucous membrane.
- 1st levelFailed HT roll causes Tipsy [3]; range 2/20
- 2nd levelFailed HT roll causes Moderate Pain; attack has No Signature [9]
- 3rd levelFailed HT roll causes Severe Pain; HT roll at -1; range 5/50 [6]
- 4th levelFailed HT roll causes Terrible Pain [6]; range 10/100
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Tipsy [+10%] Reduced Range 5 [-20%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [=5%], Activation Roll (HT/H) [-10%] = 3 |
2 |
Affliction 2 [20] Moderate Pain [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 5 [-20%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [=5%], Activation Roll (HT/H) [-10%] = 12 |
3 |
Affliction 2 [20]] Severe Pain[+40%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [=5%], Activation Roll (HT/H) [-10%] = 18 |
4 |
Affliction 2 [20] Terrible Pain[+40%], No Signature [+20%] Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [=5%], Activation Roll (HT/H) [-10%] = 24 |
Poison Explosion
For 1 FP you can direct your shadows to take the form of a poisonous gas up to 10/100 yards away. Anyone within the affected area that breaths without a filter must role HT-(power level) or take toxic damage.
At 2nd level and above, the poisoned air causes extreme coughing if the cumulative power damage surpasses a threshold.
- All levelsArea 2; damage is transmitted through air.
- 1st level1d tox; resisted at HT-1 [7]
- 2nd levelResisted at HT-2. Coughing starts at 1/2 HP. Cloud persists for 10 seconds. [3]
- 3rd level1d tox +1 fatigue; resisted at HT-3 [8]
- 4th level1d+1 tox +1 fatigue; resisted at HT-4. Coughing starts at 1/3 HP [7]
1 |
IA 1d tox [4] Area Effect 2 [+50%], Respiratory Agent [+50%] Resistible HT-1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
IA 1d tox [4] Area Effect 2 [+50%], Respiratory Agent [+50%] Symptom (Coughing, 1/2 HP) [+40%], Persistent [+40%] Resistible HT-2 [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
IA 1d tox + 1 FP [7] Area Effect 2 [+50%], Respiratory Agent [+50%] Symptom (Coughing, 1/2 HP) [+40%], Persistent [+40%] Resistible HT-3 [-15%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 18 |
4 |
IA 1d+1 tox + 1 FP [9] Area Effect 2 [+50%], Respiratory Agent [+50%] Symptom (Coughing, 1/3 HP) [+60%], Persistent [+40%] Resistible HT-4 [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 25 |
Quick Step
The shadows you command push you along, giving you increased move.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast. This ability does not require an action to activate, but must be activated on your turn. The ability lasts 1 second (until the start of your next turn).
- 1st levelBasic Move +2 [7]
- 2nd levelBasic Move +3 [3]
- 3rd levelBasic Move +4 [3]
- 4th levelBasic Move +5 [4]
1 |
BM +2 [10] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
BM +3 [15] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
BM +4 [20] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 13 |
4 |
BM +5 [25] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (DX/H) [-10%] = 17 |
Cloak of Shadows
Your shadows cloak you from the substantial world, hiding you from sight, but also clouding your senses.
Because of the nature of this invisibility, you are only cloaked from substantial creatures, insubstantial creatures such as ghosts and spirits will still be able to see you normally.
Any objects you have on your person beyond the stated limit for your level will be completely visible. Worn objects go invisible first, starting with the ones closest to your skin and work their way out until the weight limit has been hit. All others remain visible.
Until 3rd level, cloaking produces a loud “fwump” and dull flash of light.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP to cast. Activating this ability does not take an action, but must still be done on your turn. Lasts for 1 second (until the beginning of your next turn).
- 1st levelWeight limit: No Encumbrance; gain Bad Sight (Nearsighted) and Tunnel Vision while active. [8]
- 2nd levelWeight limit: Light Encumbrance [4]
- 3rd levelThe power now activates quietly and invisibly. [6]
- 4th levelNo longer have Bad Sight (Nearsighted) while active. [10]
1 |
Invisibility (Electromagnetic) [40] Can Carry Objects (No Encum) [+10%], Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Substantial Only [-10%], Temp Disad (Bad Sight - Nearsighted) [-25%] Temp Disad (Tunnel Vision) [-30%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 8 |
2 |
Invisibility (Electromagnetic) [40] Can Carry Objects (Light Encum) [+20%], Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Substantial Only [-10%], Temp Disad (Bad Sight - Nearsighted) [-25%] Temp Disad (Tunnel Vision) [-30%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 12 |
3 |
Invisibility (Electromagnetic) [40] Can Carry Objects (Light Encum) [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Substantial Only [-10%], Temp Disad (Bad Sight - Nearsighted) [-25%] Temp Disad (Tunnel Vision) [-30%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 18 |
4 |
Invisibility (Electromagnetic) [40] Can Carry Objects (Light Encum) [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Time 1 [+20%], Substantial Only [-10%] Temp Disad (Tunnel Vision) [-30%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 28 |
Shadow Sight
You gain the sight of your shadow servants.
A note on “Reverse Night Vision”:
See perfectly in darkness (up to -9 in vision penalties), with a -1 to vision per level up to bright light (+0). This means that in extremely shadowy darkness (not complete darkness), the shadow can see perfectly with no vision penalties while this ability is active. If there is a torch in the distance, he gains a -1 penalty for each level the torch gets brighter as he moves closer.
This is the exact opposite of normal-sighted people, who see perfectly in bright light, then get vision penalties as things get darker up to -9, and can’t see at all in total blackness (-10).
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast.
- 1st levelReverse Night Vision; gain glowing orange eyes while active; lasts 10 seconds [6]
- 2nd levelDoes not require action to activate; lasts 30 seconds. [3]
- 3rd levelGain Dark Vision (see perfectly in darkness and light) [8]
- 4th levelLasts 1 minute; eyes do not glow. [5]
1 |
Reverse Night Vision [10] Visible [-10%], Nuisance (glowing orange eyes) [-5%] Reduced Duration 1/6 (10 Seconds) [-15%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 3 |
2 |
Reverse Night Vision [10] Reduced Time 1 [+20%] Visible [-10%], Nuisance (glowing orange eyes) [-5%] Reduced Duration 1/2 (30 Seconds) [-5%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 12 |
3 |
Dark Vision [25] Visible [-10%], Nuisance (glowing orange eyes) [-5%] Reduced Duration 1/2 (30 Seconds) [-5%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 18 |
4 |
Dark Vision [25] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 24 |
Dim Vision
Your shadows cloud the eyes of another.
Give a target nearsightedness. Roll innate attack to hit. You must hit a mucous area (eyes, nose, open mouth, wound) for the power to work. On a success, the target rolls HT. If the target fails his HT roll, he gains nearsightedness (-6 vision to spot things more than 1 yard away, -2 melee combat, count each yard double for ranged combat) or blindness, dependent on level. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the margin of failure. There is no way except through magical means to detect that this power has been used. The subject will simply become nearsighted (seemingly) spontaneously.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast. Range: 5/50; No Signature; Blood Agent.
- 1st levelCauses Bad Sight (Nearsightedness). [8]
- 2nd levelHT roll to resist is at -1. [8]
- 3rd levelHT roll to resist is at -2. [8]
- 4th levelCauses blindness. [8]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Bad Sight (Nearsighted) [+25%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 8 |
2 |
Affliction 2 [20] Bad Sight (Nearsighted) [+25%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 16 |
3 |
Affliction 3 [30] Bad Sight (Nearsighted) [+25%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 24 |
4 |
Affliction 3 [30] Blindness[+50%], No Signature [+20%] Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Blood Agent [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (Per/H) [-5%] = 32 |
Place trap for 1 FP within range on any surface (no roll required for range C). More than 20 pounds of pressure (other than the Shadow’s body weight) will instantly trigger the trap.
Friction Rune
You order your shadows to lie in wait for an enemy. When triggered they spontaneously super-charge the atmosphere, causing a vortex of fire to erupt.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast on a surface within range.
- 1st level1d burn damage, area 1, range C. [6]
- 2nd level1d+1 burn damage, area 2. [5]
- 3rd level1d+2 burn damage; place trap with range 1-4 [2]
- 4th level2d burn damage; dictate what targets cannot be affected by fire. Placing the trap, triggering the trap, and the flames themselves have no signature. There is no indication that a trap was placed or triggered, and the flames themselves are invisible. There is still a magical trace. [7]
1 |
Burn 1d [5] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 1 [+15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry)[-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
Burn 1d+1 [7] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 14 |
3 |
Burn 1d+2 [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Melee Only 1-4 (Cannot Parry) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 20 |
4 |
Burn 2d [10] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Melee Only 1-4 (Cannot Parry) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 24 |
Hindering Rune
You order you shadows to lie in wait for an enemy. When triggered, they grow shadowy quills and attempt to wrap themselves around an enemy's body, causing piercing damage and potentially slowing the victim.
Pressure on the trapped area will fill it with quilled shadows instantly. Roll versus the set number defined in the levels below to hit each target. Roll hit location randomly. If hit, the shadows inflict piercing damage and potentially slow the target. If any damage penetrates DR, the target must immediately make a HT roll at -1 per 2 points of damage that got through. If they fail, they are slowed. This effect is not cumulative, and will last for 20-HT minutes.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP to cast on a surface withing range.
- 1st level1d pi damage, area 1, range C. Basic Speed -1 on failed HT. Roll vs 10 to hit each target. [9]
- 2nd level1d+1 pi damage, area 2. Basic Speed -2 on failed HT. Roll vs 12 to hit each target. [6]
- 3rd level1d+2 pi damage. Basic Speed -1.5 and Basic Move -2 on failed HT. [3]
- 4th levelChoose which targets in area are affected. Basic Speed -2 and Basic Move -2 on failed HT. Roll vs 14 to hit each target. [5]
1 |
1d pi [5] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 1 [+15%], Side Effect (BS -1.0) [+70%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 12 |
2 |
1d+1 pi [7] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Side Effect (BS -1.0) [+70%] Bombardment 12 [-10%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 15 |
3 |
1d+2 pi [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Side Effect (BS -1.5, BM -2) [+90%] Bombardment 12 [-10%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 19 |
4 |
1d+2 pi [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Side Effect (BS -2.0, BM -2) [+100%] Selective Area [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Bombardment 14 [-5%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 21 |
Shock Rune
You command your shadows to lie in wait for an enemy. When triggered, the shadows send a torrent of lightning bolts at all enemies, burning them and potentially stunning them.
Pressure on the trap will shoot out arcs of lightning. Roll versus skill (determined by level) to hit each target. Roll hit location randomly. If hit, the target takes burn damage. If any damage penetrates DR, the target rolls at HT -1 per 2 points of damage that got through. A failed HT roll causes the target to become stunned. The target rolls at HT+1 each second to recover.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast.
- 1st level1d burn damage, area 1. Roll vs 10 to hit each target. [8]
- 2nd level1d+1 burn damage, area 2. Roll vs 12 to hit each target. [5]
- 3rd level1d+2 burn damage. Choose what targets are affected. [2]
- 4th levelPower has No Signature. Roll vs 14 to hit each target. [4]
1 |
1d Burn [5] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 1 [+15%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 8 |
2 |
1d+1 Burn [7] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 13 |
3 |
1d+2 Burn [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 15 |
4 |
1d+2 Burn [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%] Side Effect (Stun) [+50%], No Signature [+20%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C (Cannot Parry) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 19 |
Spiked Rune
You order your shadows to lie in wait for an enemy. When triggered, the shadows form into darkness sharper than steel, unleashing a cataclysm of impaling damage onto your foes.
Pressure on the area will fill the hex with razor sharp shadows. Roll versus the number defined by the level of your ability for each target in the area. On a hit, the trap inflicts impaling damage.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP to cast.
- 1st level1d imp damage, area 1. Roll vs 10 to hit each target. [8]
- 2nd level1d+1 imp damage, area 2. Roll vs 12 to hit each target. [8]
- 3rd level1d+2 imp damage. Select which targets are affected. [5]
- 4th levelTrap has No Signature. Roll vs 10 to hit each target. [4]
1 |
1d imp [8] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 1 [+15%] Bombardment 10 [-15%], Melee Only C [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 8 |
2 |
1d+1 imp [11] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Bombardment 12 [-10%], Melee Only C [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 16 |
3 |
1d+2 imp [13] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%] Bombardment 12 [-10%], Melee Only C [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 21 |
4 |
1d+2 imp [13] Delay (20+ pounds from a source other than The Shadow’s body weight) [+50%] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%], No Signature [+20%] Bombardment 14 [-5%], Melee Only C [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Spirit [-5%], Activation Roll (IQ/H) [-10%] = 25 |
The AllomancerThe ArchivistThe ButcherThe HunterThe ShadowThe Voice