Powers - Butcher

Through years of intense training and focus, the Butcher has honed his life energy, or chi, into a deadly and versatile weapon. Through his chi, the Butcher has an array of both Martial and Tactical powers. At the Butcher’s heart is protection of his comrades, which he also focuses he chi for, when the need arises.
- Trained by a Master (30 points, B93)
Source | Chi |
Focus | Bioenergy |
Talent | Chi Talent, 5/level |
Modifier |
Chi [-10%] Must perform Chi exercises for 3 hours a day. Should you neglect this, your power fails you the first time you call it under stress. To restore it, you must take 1d days to rebalance you Chi. Until you do, you feel physically ill (Nauseated, B428). |
Martial Abilities
Crushing Blow
back to topA hammer formed of pure force appears, crushing your foes and potentially knocking them back, or perhaps even down. The versatility of this hammer, at higher levels, also allows you to throw it, bowling over all in your path, or even to smash the ground, creating an earthquake to unbalanced your foes.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. A successful hit causes double Knockback.
- 1st level2d crushing damage [10]
- 2nd levelShoot a jet that fills a 1 yard cone [6]
- 3rd level2d+1 crushing damage; choose which enhancements to use; area 2 around self [7]
- 4th level2d+2 crushing damage; choose which targets in area take damage [5]
1 |
2d cr [10] Double Knockback [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 10 |
2 |
2d cr [10] Double Knockback [+20%], Cone 1 [+60%], Jet [+0%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 16 |
3 |
2d+1 cr [12] Double Knockback [+20%], Cone 1 [+60%], Jet [+0%] Selectivity [+10%], Area Effect 2 [+50%] Emanation [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 23 |
4 |
2d+2 cr [13] Double Knockback [+20%], Cone 1 [+60%], Jet [+0%] Selective Area [+20%], Selectivity [+10%], Area Effect 2 [+50%] Melee Attack 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 28 |
Spear Thrust
back to topYou push your chi out like a spike, impaling your foes.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. This ability has a (melee only) range of 2.
- 1st level1d impaling damage [4]
- 2nd level2d impaling damage [4]
- 3rd level3d impaling damage [4]
- 4th level4d impaling damage [4]
1 |
1d imp [8] Melee Only 1,2 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 4 |
2 |
2d imp [16] Melee Only 1,2 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 8 |
3 |
3d imp [24] Melee Only 1,2 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 12 |
4 |
4d imp [32] Melee Only 1,2 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 16 |
back to topYou lash out with an explosion of chi shrapnel, attacking all nearby foes.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Success fills the immediate area with your chi energies. Roll the attack's Bombardment skill versus each foe in the affected area.
- 1st level1d crushing and 1d burn damage; area 2 around self; bombardment 10 [9]
- 2nd level1d+1 crushing and 1d+1 burn damage; bombardment 12 [4]
- 3rd level1d+2 crushing and 1d+2 burn damage; bombardment 14 [3]
- 4th level2d crushing and 2d burn damage [3]
1 |
1d cr [5], 1d burn [5] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Emanation [-20%], Bombardment 10 [-15%], Blockable (Block or Parry) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (Will/H) [-5%] = 9 |
2 |
1d+1 cr [7], 1d+1 burn [7] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Emanation [-20%], Bombardment 12 [-10%], Blockable (Block or Parry) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (Will/H) [-5%] = 13 |
3 |
1d+2 cr [8], 1d+2 burn [8] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Emanation [-20%], Bombardment 14 [-5%], Blockable (Block or Parry) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (Will/H) [-5%] = 16 |
4 |
2d cr [10], 2d burn [10] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Emanation [-20%], Bombardment 14 [-5%], Blockable (Block or Parry) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (Will/H) [-5%] = 19 |
back to topDescription.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Activates a ST-based attack that deals crushing damage with an armor divisor.
- 1st levelsw+1 crushing damage; armor divisor 2 [4]
- 2nd levelsw+1d crushing damage [6]
- 3rd levelArmor divisor 3 [3]
- 4th levelArmor divisor 5 [2]
1 |
sw + 1 cr [2] ST-based [+100%], Armor Divisor (2) [+50%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 4 |
2 |
sw + 1d cr [5] ST-based [+100%], Armor Divisor (2) [+50%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
sw + 1d cr [5] ST-based [+100%], Armor Divisor (3) [+100%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 13 |
4 |
sw + 1d cr [5] ST-based [+100%], Armor Divisor (5) [+150%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 15 |
back to topHit with your weapon to stun enemies.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelsw+1 crushing damage; success stuns enemy [4]
- 2nd levelsw+1d crushing damage [6]
- 3rd levelsw+1d+1 crushing damage [4]
- 4th levelsw+2d crushing damage [6]
1 |
sw + 1 [2] ST-Based [100%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 4 |
2 |
sw + 1d [5] ST-Based [100%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
sw + 1d+1 [7] ST-Based [100%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] >Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 14 |
4 |
sw + 2d [10] ST-Based [100%], Side Effect (Stun) [+50%] Melee Only 1 [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 20 |
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You throw a buffer of ki energy between yourself and your attacker. This DR lasts for 1 second, and is not stackable with itself.
This ability can only be used on yourself. For protecting other party members, see Blood Brother
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. This power is activated reflexively (after you are hit by an attack, but before damage is rolled).
- 1st levelDR 1 [4]
- 2nd levelDR 2 [4]
- 3rd levelDR 3 [4]
- 4th levelDR 4 [4]
1 |
Damage Resistance 1 [5] Reflexive [+40%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 4 |
2 |
Damage Resistance 2 [10] Reflexive [+40%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 8 |
3 |
Damage Resistance 3 [15] Reflexive [+40%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 12 |
4 |
Damage Resistance 4 [20] Reflexive [+40%] Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 16 |
back to topFocusing your chi, you allow yourself to perform multiple innate attacks simultaneously. Each attack action must use a different ability, and you must roll to activate the power and pay the requisite FP cost for each ability you activate, including the activation roll and 1 FP for using Barrage. To take advantage of these extra attacks, you must use abilities that allow attacks. Your first attack does not need to be an Innate Attack.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Roll activation and pay 1 FP to activate each subsequent ability used with this one.
- 1st levelGain Extra Attack 1 for 1 second. [5]
- 2nd levelGain Extra Attack 2 for 1 second. [5]
- 3rd levelGain Extra Attack 3 for 1 second. [5]
- 4th levelGain Extra Attack 4 for 1 second. [5]
1 |
Extra Attack 1 [25] Single Skill (Innate Attack) [-20%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 5 |
2 |
Extra Attack 2 [50] Single Skill (Innate Attack) [-20%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
Extra Attack 3 [75] Single Skill (Innate Attack) [-20%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 15 |
4 |
Extra Attack 4 [100] Single Skill (Innate Attack) [-20%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 20 |
Touch the Sky
back to topYou release a massive blast of chi to propel yourself incredible distances, harming and knocking back anyone in your immediate vicinity.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. This activates Super Jump for 1 second, allowing you to initiate your jump.
- 1st levelSuper Jump 1; 1d crushing damage; double Knockback, area 2 [9]
- 2nd levelSuper Jump 2 [5]
- 3rd level2d crushing damage [4]
- 4th levelSuper Jump 3 [5]
1 |
Super Jump 1 [10] IA 1d cr (Double Knockback [+20%], Area 2 [+50%], Emanation [-20%]) [8] Link [+10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 10 |
2 |
Super Jump 2 [20] IA 1d cr (Double Knockback [+20%], Area 2 [+50%], Emanation [-20%]) [8] Link [+10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 16 |
3 |
Super Jump 2 [20] IA 2d cr (Double Knockback [+20%], Area 2 [+50%], Emanation [-20%]) [15] Link [+10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 23 |
4 |
Super Jump 3 [30] IA 2d cr (Double Knockback [+20%], Area 2 [+50%], Emanation [-20%]) [15] Link [+10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 28 |
Protection Abilities
Blood Brother
back to top
Reflexively give 1 DR per HP spent.
At any point on anyone’s turn, you may confer DR onto anyone within a range 4 of you. This costs you 1 HP per level of the ability you are activating (i.e. 2 HP confers 2 DR and requires you to know at least level 2 of the ability). You may activate any level of this ability that you know.
You must roll to hit your target. They may choose not to defend (and probably will). If you hit, the target must Roll versus HT. If they succeed, they gain DR (equal to the HP you lost) for 1 second.
This is especially helpful if a party member is being hit with an impaling weapon, as every extra point of DR given is effectively stopping 2 points of damage.
You cannot use this ability to give yourself DR. For protecting yourself, see Chifense
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. This power is activated reflexively (after someone is hit by an attack, but before damage is rolled).
- 1st levelGive DR 1; range 1-4 [5]
- 2nd levelGive DR 1 or 2 [5]
- 3rd levelGive DR 1-3 [4]
- 4th levelGive DR 1-4 [4]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (DR 1) [+50%], Reflexive [+40%] Melee Attack 1-4 [-15%], Accessibility (Not on Self) [-50%] Reduced Fixed Duration (1 second) 1/240 [-45%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 5 |
2 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (DR 2) [+100%], Reflexive [+40%] Melee Attack 1-4 [-15%], Accessibility (Not on Self) [-50%] Reduced Fixed Duration (1 second) 1/240 [-45%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 10 |
3 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (DR 3) [+150%], Reflexive [+40%] Melee Attack 1-4 [-15%], Accessibility (Not on Self) [-50%] Reduced Fixed Duration (1 second) 1/240 [-45%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 15 |
4 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (DR 4) [+200%], Reflexive [+40%] Melee Attack 1-4 [-15%], Accessibility (Not on Self) [-50%] Reduced Fixed Duration (1 second) 1/240 [-45%] CCosts FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 20 |
back to top
You drain your own energies to fuel your friends.
On your turn, you use a ready action to touch a friend (or target from up to 4 away if you purchase the full ability). Use any number of your own FP (up to the level’s cap) to give another party member the same number of FP in return.
You may only use this ability a number of times per day up to your level's daily limit.
- All levels As a ready action, choose a number of FP (up to your level's cap) to give another party member.
- 1st levelFP cap of 2; use up to once per day; must touch recipient [8]
- 2nd levelFP cap of 4; use up to twice per day [4]
- 3rd levelFP cap of 6; use up to four times per day [5]
- 4th levelRecipient must be within 4 of you [4]
1 |
Healing [30] Heal FP Only [0%] Capped 2 [-25%], Limited Use (x1/day) [-40%], Chi [-10%] = 8 |
2 |
Healing [30] Heal FP Only [0%] Capped 2 [-25%], Limited Use (x1/day) [-40%], Chi [-10%] = 12 |
3 |
Healing [30] Heal FP Only [0%] Capped 2 [-25%], Limited Use (x1/day) [-40%], Chi [-10%] = 17 |
4 |
Healing [30] Heal FP Only [0%] Capped 2 [-25%], Limited Use (x1/day) [-40%], Chi [-10%] = 21 |
For the Team
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With a burst of speed, you interpose yourself between your friend and an attack.
Although you may do this normally within stepping distance, this power greatly increases that distance. This ability must be activated after someone is hit with an attack, but before damage is rolled.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. This ability is activated reflexively as part of a Sacrificial Dodge (B275).
- 1st levelIncreased Step 2 [6]
- 2nd levelIncreased Step 3 [3]
- 3rd levelIncreased Step 4 [3]
- 4th levelIncreased Step 5 [3]
1 |
Increased Step 2 [20] Reflexive [+40%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Accessibility (Only in conjunction with a sacrificial dodge) [-50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 6 |
2 |
Increased Step 3 [30] Reflexive [+40%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Accessibility (Only in conjunction with a sacrificial dodge) [-50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 9 |
3 |
Increased Step 4 [40] Reflexive [+40%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Accessibility (Only in conjunction with a sacrificial dodge) [-50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 12 |
4 |
Increased Step 5 [50] Reflexive [+40%], Reduced Duration 1/60 [-35%] Accessibility (Only in conjunction with a sacrificial dodge) [-50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 15 |
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Take a breather. I've got this.
With an enormous effort, you can create a dome of chi around you to keep your attackers at bay.
As long as you concentrate, the dome will remain in effect, however, the moment you stop concentrating the dome vanishes. While concentrating, the dome will shift with you as you move.
Maintaining the dome costs 1 fp per second of concentration, but only requires an activation roll for the initial activation.
Each yard of the dome has DR 3 and 1/2 hp per die of damage purchased.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelDR: 3, 1/2 HP [8]
- 2nd levelDR: 6, 1 HP [7]
- 3rd levelDR: 9, 1.5 HP [8]
- 4th levelYou must only concentrate and pay the FP cost every other second.[4]
1 |
IA 1d cr [5] Wall (Rigid) [+60%], Area 2 [+50%] Requires Concentration [-15%], Emanation [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 8 |
2 |
IA 2d cr [10] Wall (Rigid) [+60%], Area 2 [+50%] Requires Concentration [-15%], Emanation [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 15 |
3 |
IA 3d cr [15] Wall (Rigid) [+60%], Area 2 [+50%] Requires Concentration [-15%], Emanation [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 23 |
4 |
IA 3d cr [15] Wall (Rigid) [+60%], Area 2 [+50%], Persistant [+40%] Requires Concentration [-15%], Emanation [-20%] Reduced Duration 1/6 [-15%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 27 |
The AllomancerThe ArchivistThe ButcherThe HunterThe ShadowThe Voice