Powers - Voice

The voice is a loud commander at arms, a bawdy bard, a sultry whore, or anywhere in between. The Voice finds himself at the forefront of attention, able to inspire courage or fear in those about him. A loud shout, a command, a grisly story, an inspiring song; through these devices The Voice works his particular set of powers.
Source | Sonic |
Focus | Sound |
Talent | Sonic Talent, 5/level |
Modifier |
Sonic [-20%] Requires Vocal Component [-20%] More description. |
Martial Abilities
Now You See Me...
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- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. A successful head blow that penetrates DR initiates the effect, with a secondary follow-up after first level.
- 1st level1d crushing damage to a hit location on head; causes Major Delusion (Can't see attacker) for 1 second [6]
- 2nd levelFollow-up Affliction 1 (Nauseated, B428) [5]
- 3rd levelFollow-up Affliction 2 [5]
- 4th level1d+1 crushing damage to hit location on head [5]
1 |
Twump IA 1d cr [5] Side Effect (Major Delusion-Can’t see attacker [15]) [+65%] {Resistance based on different attribute (WL) [+20%] Melee Only 1 [-25%], Accessibility (HL on head) [-25%]} Fixed RD(1 second 1/100) [-40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 6 |
2 |
Twump IA 1d cr [5] Side Effect (Major Delusion-Can’t see attacker [15]) [+65%] {Resistance based on different attribute (WL) [+20%] Melee Only 1 [-25%], Accessibility (HL on head) [-25%]} Wha-? Affliction 1 [10] {Nauseated [+30%], Follow-Up to Twump [-25%], Trigger (Twump wears off) [-20%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 11 |
3 |
Twump IA 1d cr [5] Side Effect (Major Delusion-Can’t see attacker [15]) [+65%] {Resistance based on different attribute (WL) [+20%] Melee Only 1 [-25%], Accessibility (HL on head) [-25%]} Fixed RD(1 second 1/100) [-40%] Wha-? Affliction 1 [10] {Nauseated [+30%], Follow-Up to Twump [-25%], Trigger (Twump wears off) [-20%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 16 |
4 |
Twump IA 1d cr [5] Side Effect (Major Delusion-Can’t see attacker [15]) [+65%] {Resistance based on different attribute (WL) [+20%] Melee Only 1 [-25%], Accessibility (HL on head) [-25%]} Fixed RD(1 second 1/100) [-40%] Wha-? Affliction 1 [10] {Nauseated [+30%], Follow-Up to Twump [-25%], Trigger (Twump wears off) [-20%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 21 |
Sonic Stun
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- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelAffliction 1 [7]
- 2nd levelAffliction 2 [6]
- 3rd levelAffliction 3 [7]
- 4th levelAffliction 4 [6]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Stunning [+0%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 7 |
2 |
Affliction 2 [20] Stunning [+0%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 13 |
3 |
Affliction 3 [30] Stunning [+0%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 20 |
4 |
Affliction 4 [40] Stunning [+0%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 26 |
back to topYou hurl a ball of sonic force at your enemy, potentially deafening him and catching others in the blast
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Causes crushing damage and possibly deafness, if a foe takes enough damage. At later levels, cover no longer protects your target, and the attack explodes into nearby hexes.
- 1st level1d crushing damage; causes Deafness if cumulative damage exceeds 1/3 victim's total HP [7]
- 2nd level1d+1 crushing damage; gains Explosive damage [6]
- 3rd level1d+2 crushing damage; gains Overhead (target no long benefits from cover) [6]
- 4th level2d crushing damage [4]
1 |
IA 1d cr [5] Symptom (1/3, Deaf) [+60%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
IA 1d+1 cr [7] Symptom (1/3, Deaf) [+60%], Explosion [+50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 13 |
3 |
IA 1d+2 cr [8] Symptom (1/3, Deaf) [+60%], Explosion [+50%], Overhead [+30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 17 |
4 |
IA 2d cr [10] Symptom (1/3, Deaf) [+60%], Explosion [+50%], Overhead [+30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 21 |
Sonic Scream
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The Voice unleashes a scream that bursts the air in front of him into a cone of corrosive fire.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. All enemies caught in the blast take corrosive damage with a chance of DR reduction. At each level after the first, Sonic Scream gains a symptom that can affect enemies who are badly damaged by successive uses of this attack.
- 1st level1d corrosive damage; cone 2; range 2 [11]
- 2nd levelCone 3; gains Symptom (moderate pain) [5]
- 3rd level1d corrosive + 1 burning damage; gains Symptom (severe pain) [5]
- 4th levelGains Symptom (terrible pain) [3]
1 |
IA 1d cor [10] Cone 2 [+70%], Jet [+0%] Reduced Range 2 (1/2 d 2 max 5)[-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Chi [-10%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 11 |
2 |
IA 1d cor [10] Cone 3 [+80%], Jet [+0%], Symptom (2/3 HP, Moderate Pain) [+20%] Selective Area [+20%] Reduced Range 2 (1/2d 2, max 5) [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (HT/H)[-10%] = 16 |
3 |
IA cor 1d [10], +1 burn [2] Cone 3 [+80%], Jet [+0%], Symptom (2/3 HP, Severe Pain) [+40%] Selective Area [+20%] Reduced Range 2 (1/2d 2, max 5) [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (HT/H)[-10%] = 21 |
4 |
IA cor 1d [10], +1 burn [2] Cone 3 [+80%], Jet [+0%], Symptom (2/3 HP, Terrible Pain) [+60%] Selective Area [+20%] Reduced Range 2 (1/2d 2, max 5) [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (HT/H)[-10%] = 24 |
Sound Disciplines
Sound Shield
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You conjure an indestructible shield made of pure sound. This appears as a glowing blue shield, wavering with vibrational energies.
Because this is not a real shield held in your hand, and is an actual extension of your body, roll versus standard parry to block (DX/2 + 3, +1 per level of Enhanced Block, +1 for Combat Reflexes). Once activated, Sound Shield lasts for 1 minute.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. You gain an extra appendage of pure sonic energy that functions as a shield with levels of Enhanced Block.
- 1st levelEnhanced Block 1 (Sound Shield only) [9]
- 2nd levelEnhanced Block 2 (Sound Shield only) [5]
- 3rd levelEnhanced Block 3 (Sound Shield only) [5]
- 4th levelEnhanced Block 4 (Sound Shield only) [5]
1 |
Extra Arm 1 [10] {Force Extension [+50%], Shield Mount [-80%]} Enhanced Block 1 (Sound Shield) [5] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 4 |
2 |
Extra Arm 1 [10] {Force Extension [+50%], Shield Mount [-80%]} Enhanced Block 2 (Sound Shield) [10] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 10 |
3 |
Extra Arm 1 [10] {Force Extension [+50%], Shield Mount [-80%]} >Enhanced Block 3 (Sound Shield) [15] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 14 |
4 |
Extra Arm 1 [10] {Force Extension [+50%], Shield Mount [-80%]} Enhanced Block 4 (Sound Shield) [20] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H)[-5%] = 20 |
Obscure Vision
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You project a field of sonic energy that creates an intense heat mirage, obscuring the entire area from view.
This distortion gives anyone a -5 to rolls to spot, target, or hit anything inside the field. It also gives anyone in the field a -5 to see anything outside the field. (You are exempt from this penalty after first level.) However, because the field itself is so obvious, anyone not in the field has a +5 chance to spot it’s boundaries. If they are actually in the field, the +5 to spot the boundary is counteracted by the -5 for trying to see out of the field.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. The field radiates from you (or from wherever you target, at later levels) in a 2-yard radius.
- 1st levelObscure 5 (Vision); area 2 [7]
- 2nd levelGains Defensive and Extended (Infravision) [7]
- 3rd levelGains Ranged [5]
- 4th levelGains RoF 2 [4]
1 |
Obscure 5 (Vision) [10] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 5 |
2 |
Obscure 5 (Vision) [10] Defensive [+50%], Extended (Infravision) [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 10 |
3 |
Obscure 5 (Vision) [10] Defensive [+50%], Ranged [+50%], Extended (Infravision) [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 15 |
4 |
Obscure 5 (Vision) [10] Defensive [+50%], Ranged [+50%], Extended (Infravision) [+20%], ROF 2 [+40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 19 |
Obscure Sound
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You project a field of sonic energy that creates an insular wall of sound, making it extremely difficult to hear what's going on inside.
This distortion gives anyone a -5 to rolls to hear anything inside the field. It also gives anyone in the field a -5 to hear anything outside the field. However, anyone not in the field has a +5 chance to hear the field itself (until the field gains Stealthy at second level, at which point this bonus disappears).
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. The field radiates from you (or from wherever you target, at later levels) in a 2-yard radius.
- 1st levelObscure 5 (Hearing); area 2 [7]
- 2nd levelGain Stealthy [10]
- 3rd levelGain Ranged and No Signature [7]
- 4th levelObscure 6 (Hearing) [5]
1 |
Obscure 5 (Hearing) [10] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 5 |
2 |
Obscure 5 (Hearing) [10] Stealthy [+100%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 10 |
3 |
Obscure 5 (Hearing) [10] Stealthy [+100%], Ranged [+50%], No Signature [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 15 |
4 |
Obscure 6 (Hearing) [12] Stealthy [+100%], Ranged [+50%], No Signature [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 20 |
back to top
You captivate the mind of another with a message as clear and distinct as your naturally trustworthy, unaccented voice.
Roll a Quick Contest of IQ versus the target's Will. (Roll at -1 for each subject already under your control.) If you win, the target obeys your every command until you free him, or until the duration of this ability ends. If you are incapacitated or attempt to force the target to act against his principles, roll another Quick Contest. If the target wins, he breaks free.
If you lose, you cannot attempt to control that subject again for 24 hours. On a critical failure, you also lose control of anyone else under the influence of this ability.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. The target must be able to hear you.
- 1st levelLasts for 2 seconds [10]
- 2nd levelLasts for 3 seconds; reliable 1; target has No Memory of what transpired while he was controlled [8]
- 3rd levelLasts for 6 seconds; reliable 2 [5]
- 4th levelLasts for 10 seconds; reliable 3 [5]
1 |
Mind Control [50] Reduced Duration (Reduced to 2 Seconds 1/30) [-30%] Sense-Based (Hearing) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
Mind Control [50] Reliable 1 [+5%], No Memory [+10%] Reduced Duration (Reduced to 3 Seconds 1/20) [-25%] Sense-Based (Hearing) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 17 |
3 |
Mind Control [50] Reliable 2 [+10%], No Memory [+10%] Reduced Duration (Reduced to 6 Seconds 1/10) [-20%] Sense-Based (Hearing) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 24 |
4 |
Mind Control [50] Reliable 3 [+15%], No Memory [+10%] Reduced Duration (Reduced to 10 Seconds 1/6) [-15%] Sense-Based (Hearing) [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] = 29 |
Rally Aura
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This is the template all rallies are based on. Not a usable power on it’s own.
Once a Rally has been bought up to level four, you may negate any of the following limitations, if desired, by paying off the value of the limitation:
Bad Sight (Farsighted) [+25%], DIsturbing Voice [+10%], Hard of Hearing [+10%], Noisy 5 [+10%], Restricted Vision (Tunnel) [+30%]
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Auras emanate around the Voice in a 2-yard radius, unless otherwise noted. Auras have Selective Area and Limited Use of 4 times per day. If anyone affected by an aura steps out of range, they immediately lose any effects of the aura. They can regain the effects if they step back into range while the aura is still active.
1 |
Area Effect 2 [+50%], Aura [+80%], Selective Area [+20%] Fixed Duration (Reduced to 3 seconds 1/60) [-35%], Limited Use 4 [-20%] Melee C [-30%], Terminal Condition (Target leaves field or field goes down) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] Temporary Disadvantages: Disturbing Voice [-10%], Hard of Hearing [-10%], Noisy 5 [-10%] Restricted Vision (Tunnel) [-30%], Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-25%] = [-65%] |
2 |
Area Effect 2 [+50%], Aura [+80%], Selective Area [+20%] Fixed Duration (Reduced to 6 seconds 1/30) [-30%], Limited Use 4 [-20%] Melee C [-30%], Terminal Condition (Target leaves field or field goes down) [-10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Sonic [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] Temporary Disadvantages: Disturbing Voice [-10%], Hard of Hearing [-10%], Noisy 5 [-10%] Restricted Vision (Tunnel) [-30%], Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-25%] = [-60%] |
3 |
Rally Aura [-60%] |
4 |
Rally Aura [-60%] |
War Cry
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Your body vibrates, creating a field of sonic waves around you. This field ncreases DR for you and nearby allies.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelGive DR 1; area 2 [9]
- 2nd levelGive DR 2 [5]
- 3rd levelGive DR 3 [5]
- 4th levelGive DR 4 [5]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Damage Resistance 1 [+50%] Rally Aura [-65%] = 9 |
2 |
Affliction 1 [10] Damage Resistance 2 [+100%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 14 |
3 |
Affliction 1 [10] Damage Resistance 3 [+150%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 19 |
4 |
Affliction 1 [10] Damage Resistance 4 [+200%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 24 |
Sonic Might
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You supercharge the air around you, causing your allies' weapons to glow white-hot.
Whenever an ally affected by this aura hits with a weapon or unarmed attack, their target suffers extra burn damage.
This extra damage only affects the target if the attack's original weapon damage penetrated DR. This power does not affect innate attacks.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelAdd 1d burn damage to any weapon or unarmed attack that penetrates DR [12]
- 2nd levelYou no longer have Bad Vision (Farsightedness) when this Aura is active [3]
- 3rd levelYou no longer have Restricted Vision (Tunnel) when this Aura is active [3]
- 4th levelThis aura now encompasses a 4-yard radius around you [5]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Flame On {1d burn damage [5], Follow Up [+0%], Universal (Apply to any attack type) [+50%]} [+80%] Rally Aura [-65%] = 12 |
2 |
Affliction 1 [10] Flame on [+80%] Rally Aura (Override: No Farsightedness [+25%]) [-35%] = 15 |
3 |
Affliction 1 [10] Flame on [+80%] Rally Aura (Override: No Farsightedness [+25%], No Tunnel Vision [+30%]) [-5%] = 18 |
4 |
Affliction 1 [10] Flame on [+80%] Area 4 [+50%] Rally Aura (Override: No Farsightedness [+25%], No Tunnel Vision [+30%]) [-5%] = 23 |
back to top
The sound of your voice inspires new resolve within your beleaguered allies, granting bonuses to resist being knocked out or killed.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelHard to Subdue and Hard to Kill 1 [8]
- 2nd levelHard to Subdue and Hard to Kill 2 [4]
- 3rd levelHard to Subdue and Hard to Kill 3 [4]
- 4th levelHard to Subdue and Hard to Kill 4 [4]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Hard to Kill 1 [+20%], Hard to Subdue 1 [+20%] Rally Aura [-65%] = 6 |
2 |
Affliction 1 [10] Hard to Kill 2 [+40%], Hard to Subdue 2 [+40%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 9 |
3 |
Affliction 1 [10] Hard to Kill 3 [+60%], Hard to Subdue 3 [+60%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 12 |
4 |
Affliction 1 [10] Hard to Kill 4 [+80%], Hard to Subdue 4 [+80%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 15 |
Rallying Cry
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You mimic the resonant frequency of your allies' bodies, maximizing their defense reactions.
Allies within this Aura gain a bonus to some of their active defenses.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelGain Enchanced Block 1 [9]
- 2nd levelGain Enchanced Parry 1; lose Enhanced Block 1 [5]
- 3rd levelGain Enchanced Dodge 1; lose Enhanced Parry 1 [5]
- 4th levelYou no longer have Bad Vision (Farsightedness) or Restricted Vision (Tunnel) when this Aura is active [8]
1 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (Enhanced Block +1) [+50%] Rally Aura [-65%] = 9 |
2 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (Enhanced Parry +1) [+100%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 14 |
3 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (Enhanced Dodge +1) [+150%] Rally Aura [-60%] = 19 |
4 |
Affliction 1 [10] Advantage (Enhanced Dodge +1) [+150%] Rally Aura (Override: No Farsightedness [+25%], No Tunnel Vision [+30%]) [-5%] = 27 |
The AllomancerThe ArchivistThe ButcherThe HunterThe ShadowThe Voice