Powers - Hunter

The hunter is one with nature, being both adept at tracking and staying hidden in the wilderness, as well as with both bow and spell. The hunter draws on the knowledge of an unbroken chain of hunters before him, practicing and honing his skills as a necessity for survival in his day to day life.
Source | Nature |
Focus | Primal |
Talent | Nature Talent, 5/level |
Modifier |
Nature [-20%] Civilization interferes with powers [-10%] (-1 in despoiled wildland i.e. clear-cut forest, -3 in city, -5 in ordinary pollution, -10 in poisoned wasteland) Technology impairs power [-10%] (penalty equal to 1/2 TL, rounded up, of most advanced manufactured item carried, worn, or ridden in/on) Note: Ability that requires no die roll loses 10% per -1 instead. Note: If penalties total -10 or worse, you are powerless. |
Martial Abilities
Earthern Strike
back to topDX/HARD
Stone and wood spikes from the ground, impaling your foe and weakening their Health.
- All levelsRoll against activation and pay 1 FP to cast, then innate attack to hit. If any damage penetrates DR, your target rolls at HT -1 per 2 points of damage. If he fails, he loses HT as described below.
- 1st level1d imp, range melee 1, -1 HT Side Effect [8]
- 2nd level1d+1 imp, range melee 1 or 2, -2 HT Side Effect[5]
- 3rd level1d+2 imp, range melee 1-4, -3 HT Side Effect [4]
- 4th level2d imp, melee 1-4, -4 HT Side Effect [5]
1 |
IA 1d imp [8] Side Effect (-1 HT) [+60%] Melee Attack 1 Cannot Parry [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 8 |
2 |
IA 1d+1 imp [11] Side Effect (-2 HT) [+70%] Melee Attack 1,2 Cannot Parry [-25%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 13 |
3 |
IA 1d+2 imp [13] Side Effect (-3 HT) [+80%] Melee Attack 1-4 Cannot Parry [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 17 |
4 |
IA 2d imp [16] Side Effect (-4 HT) [+90%] Melee Attack 1-4 Cannot Parry [-20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 22 |
Bird of Prey
back to topWill/HARD
Summon a large bird of prey, which swoops out of the sky and attacks it’s target. Because of homing, the bird has autonomous tracking.
1. Roll an unmodified skill roll of IQ or Animal Handling (Raptor) to direct the bird to “Lock On” to a target.
2. When the Bird of Prey reaches it’s target, roll against 10 to hit. If you made your “Lock-On” roll, roll 10 + accuracy bonus.
3. Roll damage if you hit.
The Bird of Prey will speed towards it’s target of it’s own volition and will ignore range modifiers. If the speed of the bird of prey is too slow to hit the target in one turn, it will continue on, unaided, until it reaches its target (the target will then have a chance to defend as normal.) During this extra flight time, the Hunter can perform other actions.
The Bird of Prey’s flight speed is 10 yards/second.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP. The attack ignores cover that does not provide overhead protection.
- 1st level1d cut, +4 acc bonus. The bird attacks using normal vision [11]
- 2nd level1d+1 cut, +5 acc bonus. The bird attacks using infravision vision [6]
- 3rd level1d+2 cut, +6 acc bonus. The bird attacks using darkvision [4]
- 4th level2d cut, +7 acc bonus. The bird attacks using darkvision [7]
1 |
IA 1d cut [7] Overhead [+30%], Homing (Vision) [+50%], Accurate (+1) [+5%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 11 |
2 |
IA 1d+1 cut [10] Overhead [+30%], Homing (Infravision) [+60%], Accurate (+2) [+10%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 17 |
3 |
IA 1d+2 cut [12] Overhead [+30%], Homing (Infravision) [+60%], Accurate (+3) [+15%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 21 |
4 |
IA 2d cut [14] Overhead [+30%], Homing (Darkvision) [+75%], Accurate (+4) [+20%] \Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 28 |
Snake Venom
back to topHT/HARD
A spectral snake appears in the air and rushes your foe, sinking in its venomous fangs.
For 1 FP the snake appears in the air and rushes your target. On a hit, the snake does its fang damage and is now able to do its Venom damage.
If the fang hits a non-protected, DR 0 location, or if the fang surpassed DR, then the Venom can take effect. If not, then the Venom has no effect. Before rolling Venom damage, have the target roll HT resistance with a modifier dictated by the level of the ability (see Resist limitation, below). If the target fails this roll, then roll Venom damage.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP, then roll innate attack to hit. 1d pi fang damage.
- 1st level1d tox venom, range 1/2d 2 max 20, venom resist at HT-2 [4]
- 2nd level1d+1 tox venom, range 1/2d 5 max 50, venom resist at HT-2 [4]
- 3rd level1d+2 tox venom, ROF 2, venom resist at HT-3 [5]
- 4th level1d+2 tox venom, range 1/2d 20 max 200, Armor Divisor 2, resist venom at HT-4 [5]
1 |
Snake Venom [5] Fangs: IA 1d pi [5] {Reduced Range 5 [-20%]} = 4 Venom: IA 1d tox [4] {FU Fangs [-20%], Resistable (HT-2) [-20%], Blood Agent [-40%]} [1] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 4 |
2 |
Snake Venom [12] Fangs: IA 1d pi [5] {Reduced Range 2 [-10%], Guided [+50%]} = 7 Venom: IA 1d+1 tox [6] {FU Fangs [+40%], Resist (HT-2) [-20%], Blood Agent [-40%]} [5] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 8 |
3 |
Snake Venom [20] Fangs: IA 1d pi [5] {Guided [+50%], Rapid Fire 2 [+40%]} = 10 Venom: IA 1d+2 tox [7] {FU Fangs [+90%], Resist (HT-3) [-15%], Blood Agent [-40%]} [10] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 13 |
4 |
Snake Venom [27] Fangs: IA 1d pi [5] {Guided [+50%], Rapid Fire 2 [+40%], Incr. Range x2 [+10%], Armor Divisor 2 [+50%]} = 13 Venom: IA 1d+2 tox [7] {FU Fangs [+90%], Resist (HT-3) [-15%], Blood Agent [-40%]} [10] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 18 |
Razorleaf Storm
back to topDX/HARD
Supernaturally sharp, rigid leaves swirl about an area, cutting through foes like air. At higher levels the leaves cut deep, inflicting the pain affliction.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP. Area Attack 2 within ½ d 10 max 100.
- 1st level1d cut [9]
- 2nd level1d+1 cut, May choose who in area is affected. [5]
- 3rd level If 1/2 subject's HP is inflicted by this source, it inflicts Moderate Pain. [4]
- 4th levelModerate Pain as above, but at 1/3 HP. This attack persists on the area for 10 seconds. [6]
1 |
IA cut 1d [7] Area Attack 2 [+50%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 9 |
2 |
IA cut 1d+1 [10] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 14 |
3 |
IA cut 1d+1 [10] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%] Symptom (Moderate Pain ½ HP) [+40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 18 |
4 |
IA cut 1d+1 [10] Area Attack 2 [+50%], Selective Area [+20%] Symptom (Moderate Pain 1/3 HP) [+60%], Persistent [+40%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] = 24 |
Stinging Armor
back to topHT/HARD
While active, a swarming cloud of insects surrounds you. Anyone touching you or who is touched by you take damage. The insects also grant you minor damage resistance. Use any combat skill that allows attacking with your body as a weapon to attack.
At higher levels the damage inflicted by the stinging armor gains a follow-up attack which deals fatigue damage. If the damage inflicted by the armor surpasses DR, this Poison Stringer follow-up automatically hits as well and inflicts it’s damage.
- All levels Roll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelSwarm: 1d pi, Shield: DR1. Lasts 3 seconds. [7]
- 2nd levelSwarm: 1d+1 pi, Shield: DR2. [4]
- 3rd levelSwarm: 1d+2 pi. Poison Stinger: 1FP. Lasts 6 seconds. [4]
- 4th levelSwarm: 2d pi. Shield: DR3. [5]
1 |
Swarm Aura: 1d pi [5] {Aura [+80%], Melee C [-30%]} = 8 Insect Shield: DR 1 [5] {Force Field [+20%], Flexible [-20%]} = 5 Stinging Armor [13] {Link [+10%], Reduced Duration 1/20 (3 seconds) [-25%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 7 |
2 |
Swarm Aura: IA 1d+1 pi [7] {Aura [+80%], Melee C [-30%]} = 11 Insect Shield: DR 2 [10] {Force Field [+20%], Flexible [-20%]} = 10 Stinging Armor [21] {Link [+10%], Reduced Duration 1/20 (3 seconds) [-25%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 11 |
3 |
Swarm Aura: IA 1d+2 pi [8] {Aura [+80%], Melee C [-30%]} = 12 Poison Stinger: IA 1FP [3] {Follow Up to Swarm Aura [+50%]} = 5 Insect Shield: DR 2 [10] {Force Field [+20%], Flexible [-20%]} = 10 Stinging Armor [27] {Link [+10%], Reduced Duration 1/10 (6 seconds) [-20%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 15 |
4 |
Swarm Aura: IA 2d pi [10] {Aura [+80%], Melee C [-30%]} = 15 Poison Stinger: IA 1FP [3] {Follow Up to Swarm Aura [+50%]} = 5 Insect Shield: DR 3 [15] {Force Field [+20%], Flexible [-20%]} = 15 Stinging Armor [35] {Link [+10%], Reduced Duration 1/10 (6 seconds) [-20%]} Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 20 |
Summon Hound
back to topWill/HARD
You summon a hound with the template below. You may summon and dismiss your hound as many times per day as you wish. Summoning costs 1FP and requires an activation roll. If you fail the activation roll, you may roll again for additional FP. Once you succeed the activation roll, you must roll vs the reliability of the hound. If you pass, the hound(s) appear. However, if you fail the frequency roll (roll individually for each hound), then the hound will not appear for 24 hours.
Each time you summon a hound, it is the same hound. Make sure you name your hound and choose a breed. If the hound dies, you must pay penance to the nature powers you enjoy to receive a new hound. If you willfully killed it (send it on a suicide run) or accidentally killed it in a foolish manner (unnecessary risk), then you will be required to wait 1d months and then pay penance, at which time you may summon a new hound with the same template as before, but with any breed you wish.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP.
- 1st levelRoll 12 or less to summon 1 hound.
- 2nd levelYou must attempt to summon 2 hounds. 12 or less for the first one, and 8 or less for the other.
- 3rd levelYou must attempt to summon two hounds, no roll required for the first, 12 or less for the other.
- 4th levelYou may summon 1 or 2 hounds, no roll required for either.
Template: Hound (Breed chosen by player)
ST: 13 [18]* | HP: 15 [4] | Speed: 7.00 [0] |
DX: 14 [48]* | Will: 11 [25] | Move: 8/12 [5] |
IQ: 6 [-80] | Per: 14 [40] | SM: 0 |
HT: 14 [40] | FP: 14 [0] |
- ClassAnimal
- Dodge11
- Parryn/a
- DR1 [5]
- Bite1d+1 cut (16)
- Claw1d cr (16)
- AdvantagesAcute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Smell 2 [4]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground) [10]; Fur [1]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach, -50%) [2]; Striking ST 2 (Bite only, -60%) [4]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Ultrahearing [5]; Very Fit [15].
- DisadvantagesAnimal Ally [-44]; Chummy [-5]; Gluttony (12) [-5]; Quadruped [-35]; Sense of Duty (Master and his friends) [-5].
- SkillsBrawling (E) DX+2 [4]-16; Hiking (A) HT [2]-14; Intimidation (A) Will+2 [8]-13; Stealth (A) DX [2]-14; Survival (Plains) (A) Per [2]-14; Swimming (E) HT [1]-14; Tracking (A) Per+4 [2]-18†; Wrestling (A) DX [2]-14.
* Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators [-40%]
** Includes +4 from Discriminatory Smell.
Full Statistics1 |
Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] 12 or less [x2] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 7 |
2 |
Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] 15 or less [x3] = 12 Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] 15 or less [x3] = 8 Link [+10%], Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 15 |
3 |
Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] No roll required [x4] = 16 Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] 15 or less [x3] = 12 Link [+10%], Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 21 |
4 |
Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] No roll required [x4] = 16 Summon Hound (Built on 50%) [2] Summonable [+100%] No roll required [x4] = 16 Link [+10%], Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 28 |
Thorny Bush
back to topWill/HARD
Make a wall of thorny bushes that lasts for 10 seconds, hindering attackers and concealing you from view.
The wall is 6 yards wide by 1 yard thick by 4 yards tall.
Each yard of wall has DR3 and 1 HP.
At 4th level the bush gains homing, which means that each second it uses vibration sense to travels towards an enemy (or anybody not excluded by selective area) and moves over them. To retain a stationary wall, then use Selective Area to exclude everything when summoning.
- All levelsRoll activation and pay 1 FP. Persists 10 seconds. Wall is Rigid
- 1st level1d cut
- 2nd level1d+1 cut
- 3rd level1d+2 cut. Choose who in the wall is affected by damage.
- 4th levelHoming (Vibration Sense) - The wall moves onto anything not precluded by selective area.
1 |
IA cut 1d [7] Area Attack [+50%], Persistent [+40%], Wall (Rigid) [+30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 13 |
2 |
IA cut 1d+1 [10] Area Attack [+50%], Persistent [+40%], Wall (Rigid) [+30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 19 |
3 |
IA cut 1d+2 [12] Area Attack [+50%], Persistent [+40%], Wall (Rigid) [+30%], Selective Area [+20%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 25 |
4 |
IA cut 1d+2 [12] Area Attack [+50%], Persistent [+40%], Wall (Rigid)[+30%] Selective Area [+20%], Homing (Vibration Sense) [+60%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (WL/H) [-5%] = 32 |
Giant's Growth
back to topHT/HARD
The might of the ancient oak spreads into your target, increasing their size and ST.
You must touch the person you wish to enchant. They may (and probably will) choose not to defend. The target then rolls vs HT. If they succeed, then they become affected.
- All levelsRoll activationand pay 1 FP. Target gains SM+1
- 1st levelStriking ST +1, Lasts 3 seconds [5]
- 2nd levelStriking ST +2, Lifting ST +1 [8]
- 3rd levelStriking ST +3 [5]
- 4th levelStriking ST +3, Lifting ST +3, Lasts 6 seconds [6]
1 |
Affliction [10] Advantage (SM +1 [0], Striking ST +1 [5]) [+50%] Melee Attack C (C.Parry) [-35%], Reduced Duration 1/60 (3 seconds) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 5 |
2 |
Affliction [10] Advantage (SM +1 [0], Lifting ST +1 [3], Striking ST +2 [10]) [+130%] Melee Attack C (C.Parry) [-35%], Reduced Duration 1/60 (3 seconds) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 13 |
3 |
Affliction [10] Advantage (SM +1 [0], Lifting ST +1 [3], Striking ST +3 [15]) [+180%] Melee Attack C (C.Parry) [-35%], Reduced Duration 1/60 (3 seconds) [-35%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 18 |
4 |
Affliction [10] Advantage (SM +1 [0], Lifting ST +3 [9], Striking ST +3 [15]) [+240%] Melee Attack C (C.Parry) [-35%], Reduced Duration 1/60 (6 seconds) [-30%] Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] = 24 |
The Hunter shifts into another form. After spending 1 FP and activating the power, the shift takes 10 seconds and then lasts for 1 minute. The time to shift can be reduced with a special shift power (see “Reduce Time” below) and the time spent in the form can be increased (see “Extend Duration” below).
If the Hunter possesses multiple forms, he can shift from one to the other without returning to his native form.
Nature Spirit [10]
back to topIQ/HARD
- ST8 [-20]
- DX10 [0]
- IQ10 [0]
- HT8 [-20]
- DR3 (Barkskin) [15]
- AdvantagesChameleon 3 [15], Clinging (Wood Only. -40%) [12], Filter Lungs [5], Magic Resistance 2 [4]
- Special AttackBinding 3 {Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%]} [4]
1 |
Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (IQ/H) [-10%] =10 |
Wolf [10]
- ST11 [10]
- DX11 [20]
- IQ10 [0]
- HT11 [10]
- DR1 (Pelt) [5]
- AdvantagesAcute Hearing 3 [6], Acute Smell 3 [6], Blunt Claws [3], Striking ST +2 (Bite Only, -60%) [4], Teeth (Sharp) [1]
- DisadvantagesCannot Speak [-15], Quadruped [-35]
1 |
Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (DX/H) [-10%] =10 |
Bear [10]
- ST13 [27]
- DX10 [0]
- IQ10 [0]
- HT11 [10]
- DR1 (Pelt) [5]
- AdvantagesClaws (Talons) [8], SM +1 [0]
- DisadvantagesCannot Speak [-15], Quadruped [-35]
- Special AttackConstriction Attack [15]
1 |
Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (HT/H) [-10%] =10 |
Raven [10]
- ST3 [-70]
- DX14 [80]
- IQ10 [0]
- HT10 [0]
- AdvantagesAcute Vision 2 [4], Enhanced Move (Air, x1.5) [10], Flight (Winged, Air Move 12) [30], Sharp Beak [1], Sharp Claws [5]
- DisadvantagesCannot Speak [-15], No Fine Manipulators [-30]
1 |
Costs FP 1 [-5%], Nature [-20%], Activation (Per/H) [-5%] =10 |
Reduced Time
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This power affects all shifts that the Hunter knows, and decreases the time required to shift between forms.
1 |
Reduced Time 1 [+20%] = 3 (5 seconds) |
2 |
Reduced Time 2 [+40%] = 6 (3 seconds) |
3 |
Reduced Time 3 [+60%] = 9 (2 seconds) |
4 |
Reduced Time 4 [+80%] = 12 (1 seconds) |
Extended Duration
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This power affects all shifts that the hunter knows, and extends the duration which the Hunter can remain in another form.
1 |
Extended Duration x3 (3 minutes) [+20%] = 3 |
2 |
Extended Duration x30 (30 minutes) [+60%] = 9 |
3 |
Extended Duration x300 (5 hours) [+100%] = 15 |
4 |
Extended Duration Permanent [+150%] = 23 |
Effortless Shift
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This power affects all shifts that the Hunter knows.
Absorptive Change - Absorb equipment up to specified weight limit.
Active Change - The Hunter does not need to concentrate for the full duration of his shift, and after activating the shift can act as normal (even attack) in his current form. At the end of the shift’s activation time, changes all at once into his new form.
Reciprocal Rest - When shifting from one form to the other, damage will not carry over.
Non-Reciprocal Damage - The Hunter's individual forms are considered resting when not in use, and will heal HP and FP at the normal resting rate.
1 |
Absorptive Change (No Encumbrance) [+5%] Active Change [+20%] = 4 |
2 |
Absorptive Change (Light Encumbrance) [+10%] Active Change [+20%], Reciprocal Rest [+30] = 9 |
3 |
Absorptive Change (Medium Encumbrance) [+15%] Active Change [+20%], Reciprocal Rest [+30], Not affected by Nature Limitation [+20%] = 13 |
4 |
Absorptive Change (Heavy Encumbrance) [+20%] Active Change [+20%], Reciprocal Rest [+30], Not affected by Nature Limitation [+20%], Non-Reciprocal Damage [+50%] = 22 |
Defensive Shift
back to top
Gain increased DR, hard to kill, and hard to subdue levels while shifted. This power affects all shifts that the Hunter knows.
1 |
DR 1 [5] Shift Only [x.9] = 5 |
2 |
DR 1 [5], Hard to Kill 1 [2], Hard to Subdue 1 [2] Shift Only [x.9] = 9 |
3 |
DR 2 [10], Hard to Kill 2 [4], Hard to Subdue 1 [2] Shift Only [x.9] = 15 |
4 |
DR 2 [10], Hard to Kill 2 [4], Hard to Subdue 2 [4] Shift Only [x.9] = 17 |
The AllomancerThe ArchivistThe ButcherThe HunterThe ShadowThe Voice